Exposing Uganda’s Cultural Mosaic: An examination of the Endingidi’s origins, educational and aesthetic dimensions
Cultural heritage, Endingidi, Gestures, Music performanceAbstract
The field of music analysis has experienced significant growth, encompassing diverse aspects such as corporal movements in instrumental performance, dance studies, and cognition-centric methodologies. This paper provides a historical overview of the endingidi, a traditional tube-fiddle, within a broader context. It examines the materials used in constructing the endingidi as well as the challenges encountered in this process. Additionally, the paper explores the performative expressive elements of the endingidi, including accompanying gestures. Despite the enduring presence of the endingidi as a timeless traditional instrument, there remains a notable gap in comprehensive studies that unravel its intricate cultural significance, an oversight this investigation conscientiously seeks to address. The study identifies challenges in material sourcing for the endingidi due to scarcity and environmental degradation. Proposed interventions include afforestation, alternative materials, government support, and community engagement. Emphasizing sustainable practices and responsible harvesting, it urges government leadership, documentation of techniques, and community support for artisans. Linking to broader music education challenges, it advocates for government resource allocation. Providing a nuanced understanding of the endingidi, it underscores multidimensional approaches to safeguarding it as part of Ugandan cultural heritage, highlighting the importance of sustainability, research, government, and community involvement in preservation efforts.
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