Aims and Scope

The African Musicology Online publishes research work of music scholars from different parts of the world. There have been so many misconceptions, misrepresentations, and overgeneralizations about what African music is. Besides, myriad problems in the study of African Musicology need to be tackled at the grassroots level by the owners of the music. The bureau runs an online journal: African Musicology Online that is published bi-annually in June and December. 

The aims and objectives of African Musicology Online are as follows:

  • To serve as the African voice in the field of Musicology at the international level.
  • To publish original research papers and reviews by Africans on their music (encompassing all categories of African music).
  • To foster cooperation among African scholars in the field of African Musicology.
  • To promote and develop the concept and practice of African Musicology, by Africans.